Thursday, December 24, 2009

Chapter 292

Jon was like a raging bull after his conversation with Cheyenne. Where the fuck could she be? He called Stacey and the way she reacted he knew she didn’t have a clue where she was. Dot didn’t know either and he was a bit taken aback by her cold manner. She was obviously on Cheyenne’s side and even if she knew where she was she wouldn’t tell him.

He still had this feeling Richie had something to do with this. He was going to get her back even if he had to drag her back by her hair.

He was going to get a damn private investigator and he was going to hunt her down. She was six months pregnant and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t see the babies come into this world, she will marry him, she just had to. How the fuck was he going to live without her? Why did she have to do this now, the week before he released his new cd?

Richie arrived that night. Jon felt like punching a hole in his face when he opened the door and saw Richie standing there.

“Hey, bro. Just wanted to let you know I’m here. So if you need me, I’ll be in my room.”

“Where is she?”

“Why are you giving me shit about this? How the fuck should I know?”

“Seen as you are always so concerned about her, I would have thought you’d be banging my door down to find out how she is. Only a man who knows where she is would act like you just did. Why are you doing this? Is the engagement off with Stacey? Did you decide to take responsibility for the babies?”

Richie’s bags hit the floor and the next moment his hand was tangled in Jon’s shirt.

“You are living in your own fucked up world. How long have you known me, have I ever not taken responsibility for the things I have done? I actually felt sorry for you a few minutes ago, but now I’m glad Cheyenne decided to go away. You don’t deserve her, you treated her as a cheap slut from day one. Everytime she opened herself to you and gave you her heart, you trampled on it. She deserves someone who can return that love.”

Jon jerked out of Richie’s hold.

“She can do whatever she wants, but if those babies are mine. I want them. No man will raise them as his own.”

“How are you going to stop her? She’s gone Jon. She started a new life, only a bastard will take a woman’s kids from her.”

“She should have thought about it before she left me. She can come with the twins or without, her choice and when you speak to her, tell her what I said.”

Richie shook his head, picked up his bags and turned to walk out.

“You’ve turned into a sad, desperate man Jon. I actually feel sorry for you. Cheyenne is not your possession, you cannot keep her like a piece of furniture. People cannot be possessed and that include the twins. Let her live her life Jon, all she has is those babies. You didn’t want her when she gave herself freely, so now its time to let her go. And by the way the day after you came here, she confirmed the other babies’ sex. It’s a little boy.”

“A boy?”

“Yeah a boy. See what you miss out on because you are a fuckin’ ass?”

The fight went out of Jon completely. A boy. A smile played on his face, he didn’t even notice the door closing as Richie walked out.

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