Thursday, December 24, 2009

Chapter 374

There weren’t a dry eye in the house after the pair said their I dos. Richie had to rub the corner of his a few times too.

Everyone’s aaaawww filled the air as little Romeo came walking down the aisle, smiling brightly at everyone waving at all the familiar faces in the seats. The tail of his tux flipped cheekily behind him, only heightening the cuteness factor even more.

He stopped in front of his dad and Cheyenne, holding the little cushion slightly upwards, pointing to each ring as he spoke.

“Here you do daddy! This one is your ring and this one is Channe’s”

Jon ruffled his hair playfully.

“Thanks buddy.”

“Thank you sweetheart. You look mighty handsome!”

Romeo bounced forward folding his little arms around Cheyenne’s legs, well as far as the dress would allow anyway . Another aaaaaawww could be heard.

“You look mighty pretty too! Are you my other mommy now?”

Dot stood up but Cheyenne smiled at her, stopping her.

“I’m almost your new mommy. But we have to give each other the rings and then I have to kiss your daddy.”

Romeo’s loud eeeeeeewwww, had the guests in stitches. He turned away, happy with the explanation and ran back to Dot’s awaited arms.

Cheyenne turned back towards Jon. His eyes were glistening with unshed tears. That was almost her undoing. Not now..Cheyenne pull yourself together, you’ve come this far!

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You can now kiss the bride.”

Jon’s hand shook slightly when he lifted her face towards him. The kiss was gentle and innocent to the onlookers’ eyes but seared the couple sharing the first intimate moment as husband and wife.

“Now you are mine... now and forever” his lips whispered against hers.

“Ladies and gentlemen I would like to present to you, Mr. And Mrs. Bongiovi.”

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